Neoliberalizm: Yokoluş Mu, Adaptasyon Mu?
Neoliberalism: Demise or Adaptation?
The most global and perhaps deepest capitalist crisis ever is likely to bring significant changes to the way the system operates. Will this mean though a qualitative change in the economic policy of the ruling classes? After roughly 40 years of neoliberalism, are we witnessing the demise of this policy framework and a return to more Keynesian-like or other kind of state interventionist policies? Or will the neoliberal framework adapt in order to accommodate, in some countries more than in others, for increased forms of state intervention and perhaps also a more authoritarian political model? These are key questions that socialists worldwide need to grapple with
The neoliberalism debate in the ISA – Introduction
The “neoliberalism debate” was the first major debate inside the ISA and it started in May 2020. It was not the first time that differences emerged in the ISA, but it was the first time the differences became open to the whole membership. Differences had already been raised and expressed in the course of the founding Congress of the ISA in January 2020. We will return to these with new posts later on
The neoliberalism debate in the ISA – Minority positions of May 2020
The neoliberalism debate in the ISA – Majority positions of May 2020
Ni una menos! No woman alone!
We now need to take the next step. A mass movement needs to be launched through the cooperation and united action of feminist organisations, the LGBTQI+ community, the Left and all those who wish to fight against gender oppression and violence. This movement should demand the tightening of the legal framework on abuse as well as rape and femicide and the creation and financing of support structures for victims of gender-based violence. Such a movement will not allow basic rights such as abortion to be questioned, as has been systematically happening in the recent period. Such a movement should also engage in a long-term battle against patriarchy as a whole and the capitalist system that fosters and nurtures it
The reply of the ISA leadership to the disaffiliation of the Greek, Turkish and Cypriot sections
The ISA leadership produced a statement, on 27.06.2021, reproduced below, responding to the disaffiliation of the sections in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus, referring also to the departure of the majority of the membership in the section in the Spanish state. The statement does not surprise us in pretending that everything is perfect in the ISA and that the minority is departing because it has no confidence in its ideas
Peru: Opportunities and risks opened up by Castillo’s victory | Christina ZIAKKA
Implementing meaningful reforms to transform the lives of Peruvians requires a head-on confrontation with the Peruvian establishment, big capital and foreign multinationals. The working class and youth have shown clear signs of their being ready to do this. But for this intention to have a potential for success, a political direction is also required. A political force which will step forward and suggest a direction and organize the struggle is absolutely necessary. That will work out a plan to deal with the inevitable counter-attacks of the national and international ruling class. This new leadership of the mass movements will need to draw the necessary conclusions from Chavez’s and Morales’ failures, as well as the defeats of other movements in Latin America. Above all, there needs to be confidence in the working class and the lower social layers. Confidence that they can become the “rulers” of the economy, society and their own lives, with the objective of overthrowing the system. In order to achieve a sustainable overthrow of the system however, an internationalist perspective is absolutely necessary
ISA’dan Neden Ayrılıyoruz – ISA’nın Yunanistan, Türkiye ve Kıbrıs Seksiyonlarının Açık Mektubu
Seksiyonlarımızı büyük devrimci örgütler haline getirmek için çabalarımızı sürdüreceğiz ve aynı zamanda uluslararası devrimci görevlerimizi yerine getirmek için olağanüstü bir çaba göstereceğiz. ISA üyelerinin büyük çoğunluğuna büyük saygı duyuyoruz ve iletişim, karşılıklı saygı, tartışmalar ve ortak dayanışma faaliyetlerini sürdürmeyi umuyoruz. Gerçekte neler olduğunu keşfetmek için geçtiğimiz aylarda, hatta yıllarda ISA veya CWI’den ayrılan gruplar veya seksiyonlarla tartışmaya açık olacağız. Aynı şey gelecekte ISA’dan ayrılacak olanlar için de geçerli elbette. Farklı yaklaşımlarla ilgili tartışmalara gireceğiz ve birlik mümkün değilse, işbirliğini ve ortak eylemi hedefleyeceğiz. Aynı durum diğer Troçkist akımlar veya gruplar için de geçerli olacaktır