“The Mustachioed King Must Go!” — Solidarity Appeal

Since the beginning of August, and the declaration of the fraudulent election result that saw Alexandr Lukashenko claim victory, mass protests have rocked Belarus. Protesters have meet violence, repression and arrests. A turning point in the protests, when the police regime was forced to ease its violent repression, came when workers in over a hundred factories set up strike committees and declared strikes. One of the most effective strikes took place at Belaruskali in the city of Soligorsk, where miners produce one fifth of the world’s supply of potash. Following this, five members of the strike committee: Anatoly Bokun, Yuri Korzun, Sergey Cherkasov, Sergey Taras and Pavel Puchenya were arrested and have since been in jail

Germany Takes over the Presidency of the European Union Council

As the greatest crisis of global and European capitalism unfolds, it‘s the turn of the economic powerhouse to take over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. The German government will chair the meetings of the EU, its councils and committees, and represent the EU on an international level. A challenging task, given the extent of the looming crisis that will leave the Euro -crisis of 2010 in the shade

RCEP: Dünyanın En Büyük İşçi Karşıtı Ticaret Anlaşması İmzalandı |Kirk LOENARD

Birçok yönden RCEP ticaret anlaşması, bölgenin çalışan ve fakir insanları için “aynı eski hikaye”nin bir tekrarıdır. Bu, kapitalistler arasında daha keskin rekabete, bölge işçi sınıfından bölge halkını kâr için daha etkin bir şekilde sömürmesine izin verir. Daha keskin kapitalist rekabet, ücretleri düşürmek ve hem demokratik hem de sendikal haklara saldırmak anlamına gelir. Kamu sektörüne daha fazla saldırmak ve sosyal hizmet ve yardımları ortadan kaldırmak veya kısıtlamak anlamına gelir